Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 2 summary from Nick Williams at the Ballito Pro

Day two saw us get thru nine heats before both onshore winds and a filling tide closed us down early. We had hoped for at least 12 heats  - the halfway point of the round of 96 but competitors and surfers alike were struggling in their respective jobs. Today was however a fun day on the tower for the contest to get moving for real and altho' the waves were head-high, their were plenty of excellent category scores coming from the judges.

Defending Champ Pat Gadauskas, Royden Bryson, Nic Muscroft with Contest Director Colin Fitch
Standout performance of the day was Bernado Miranda from Brazil  winning in the same heat as the shock destuction and subsequent elimination of Brett Simpson. It coincided with the continued deterioration of conditions and the event only continued for one more heat, finishing with one more stellar performance of advancies, Torrey Meister from Hawaii ahead of an on-fire Jadson Andre from Brazil, in heat 9. 

So with the defending Mr Price Pro Champion Pat Gadauskus coming up next the courtesy of getting agreement from all surfers was extended and altho Pat was okay to get out there, it waas otherwise agreed that with the possibility of running maybe only one or two more heats before it was certain to be called off, it was no loss to stop a couple heats early.

What that means for us guys is that we now have a 7am local time call for start of the next heat featuring alongside of Pat Gadauskas, we have Quiver rider Nic Muscroft, South Africa's Royden Bryson and Eric Geiselman from the USA. It's an early one (06:00 UK time) for the factory crew to tune in and it is so because of Wednesday being the worst of the week's prediction surf-wise.

Tonite is braai night for the officials at local judge and surfboard manufacturer Jonno Hutchinson's porzie, just up the lane from the contest site and it is an annual look-forward-to evening of mellow hospitality of the highest degree in their beautiful garden around the pool. As it's for the ASP crew it won't be a late one but dynamite comes in small packages, so it's bound to be a good one.Catch up tomorrowNick


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